Divisional Management Unit (DMU's) 

DMU has been established at the divisional level and functions as the dedicated and extended unit of PMU for planning and implementation of the project activities, and as a part of the autonomous society, i.e., PMU. DMU is headed by a Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) who is in the rank of DCF in the Forest Department. S/he is an ex-officio in-charge of DMU and designated as DMU Head who oversees the project in addition to the regular department functions and responsibilities. S/he facilitates project implementation at the divisional level and extends all technical inputs and guidance to FMUs within their jurisdiction and at field level on a day-to-day basis. DMU are responsible for supervising and guiding the works carried out by specialised agencies/ resource organisations or NGOs.

DMU Head coordinates with the district administration for inter-sectoral convergences, organises and participates in DPC meetings at the district level, and extend support for preparing annual plans, estimates etc. DMU Head monitors, supervises, and follows-up with the subordinate offices, and provide guidance on documentation and reporting the physical and financial progress. DMU offices guided by the Project Operation Manual as well as PMU

DMUs and subordinate FMUs assists in maintaining the project accounts, and timely prepare SOEs for onward submission. Female candidates will be encouraged to join the project at various positions. 

DMU will be supported by one MIS/ GIS professional designated as M&E Technical Coordinator, and one accountant-cum-cashier to be hired from the open market and deployed by PMU/ DMU at divisions. DMU will also be supported with one office assistant and one computer operator.

DMU Staffing

Sl.No. Position Rank
Key Staff
1 Divisional Management Unit Head Deputy Conservator of Forests
2 M&E Technical Coordinator  Contractual Staff
3 Accountant-cum-Cashier  Contractual Staff
4 Office Assistant  Contractual Staff
5 Computer Operator  Contractual Staff