Project for Forest and Biodiversity Conservation for Climate Change Response in West Bengal (WB - FBCCCR)

Based on the Exchange of Notes between the Government of Japan and Government of India (GOI), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has extended a loan to implement the "Project for Forest and Biodiversity Conservation for Climate Change Response in West Bengal (WB-FBCCCR)".

The objective of the Project is to mitigate and adapt to climate change, conserve and restore ecosystems by ecosystem based climate change measures, biodiversity conservation and restoration, livelihood improvement activities and institutional strengthening, thereby contributing to sustainable socio-economic development in West Bengal

The Executing Agency on behalf of GOI is West Bengal Forest Department (WBFD), through the West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Society. The project , which is of 8 years duration, is divided into 3 phases; The Project will be divided into three phases; Preparation Phase (1 year): 2023-24, Implementation Phase (5 years): 2024-25 to 2028-29, and Phase-Out/Closing Phase (2 years): 2029-30 to 2030-31. The Project is proposed to be implemented all over the State of West Bengal.

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JICA- West Bengal

A Japanese ODA Loan Project under "West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Project" worth Rs.406 Crore was implemented in the state during 2012 to 2022. Enthused by the success of the project and susceptibility to climate change a new project viz. WB-FBCCCR with Japanese ODA loan worth Rs.650 Crore to be implemented for 8 years during 2023-2031 has been taken up by West Bengal Forest Department. This is a continued support by JICA to the cause of environmental conservation in West Bengal.

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Project for Forest and Biodiversity Conservation for
Climate Change Response in West Bengal

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