Government of West Bengal (GoWB) has received a loan from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through Government of India (GoI) for implementation of Project for Forest and Biodiversity Conservation for Climate Change Response in West Bengal (WB-FBCCCR) across all districts of West Bengal except Howrah, Hooghly and Malda.
The 8 year Project with an outlay of Rs. 650.00 crore (Rs. 520 crore i.e. JPY 9308.00 million of loan component and Rs. 130 crore of Non-reimbursable component) involves taking up activities in the field of Ecosystem Based Climate Change Measures, Biodiversity Conservation, Livelihood Improvement and Institutional Strengthening.
The project also envisages laying special emphasis on Digital Transformation in overall working of the Forest Department.
Mode of Implementation
The Project is being implemented through an autonomous Society named “West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Society” registered under West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961, on 19th July, 2012, at Kolkata vide Registration Number S/1L/93991 of 2012-2013, dated 19.07.2012.
The present office of the Society is located at Block–LB-2, Sector–III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700106, West Bengal.
The Project Management Unit (PMU) under Society is in-charge of the overall managerial tasks of the Project. Various offices of the West Bengal Forest Department (WBFD) at the Circle, Division and Range levels are implementing the Project.
At the field level, Division Management Units (DMU) and Field Management Units (FMU) will be established. The Joint Forest Management Committees, formed as per the extant resolutions/regulations issued by GoWB shall implement the Income Generation Activities. Income Generation Activities shall be undertaken through Self-Help Groups (SHGs) from within the members of JFMCs.
The Society is guided by duly approved set of Financial and Administrative Guidelines and Regulations to carry out various activities of the Project in consonance with the government rules and regulations.
Accounting is an important arena for maintenance and compilation of accounts at DMU and PMU, which is developed by installing of uniform accounting practices in all the DMUs on single platform. This is consolidating the accounts in more better and precise way to see the status of the Assets, Liabilities, Grants, Receipts and Project Expenditures of all the Divisions and the organization as a whole.